Our work would not be possible without contributions from the Baptist General Association of Virginia, Fresh Expressions US, Uptick and mission-minded donors like you. Your contributions help develop leaders who change the world.
*Gift Designation: Center for Faith and Leadership
“Even a seemingly small act of generosity can grow into something far beyond what we could ever ask or imagine.”
To be part of The Center is of no cost to students. However, we operate by fundraising our salaries, daily operations, outreach, and events. We estimate this costs $200 per month for each student.
We are asking if you would consider donating $2,400/year or $200/month to support one student through a year of investment at The Center?
In one academic year, a student involved at The Center is offered:
Three free (or very discounted) Retreats
Weekly Outreach Events (coffee carts, games on Ball Circle, weekly meals)
Discipleship (in groups & individually, offered weekly)
Internships (at the Center & beyond - growing their skills, networks & callings)
Unlimited Building Access (“home away from home”)